Friday, September 28, 2007

Don't be fooled by these cute eyes.

Once you get mesmerized then bam! The Shaving Cream monster gets ya!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

These are my children. My son Ian has wanted to put shaving cream on the kitchen table ever since he did that at school with his classmates. This is what happened after I let my children play with shaving cream at the table.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I have been quiet for quite awhile. I have been pretty busy with my new job. I work on an in-house ARS 6.3 developed product call IT Central. I help keep the server operating systems functional, so that the server/client communication can take place. I also do some development on the system to give increased functionality to the system for system administrators on the installation I work on. I have been crafting vb and SQL scripts to provide a cheap fail over solution that we can use in the case of a catastrophe. I also work with the web server, so that our customers can get access to the tool via the web. I stay pretty busy publishing patch packages to other installations that are using the utility. I am always testing something or other. I am done for now, but I will post again soon.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Well Here is something that I found really neat. This is a cool wallpaper that I found. I know that I'm 32 and shouldn't be into this stuff, but I'm a ninja and we have no concept of time. And we are completely oblivious to the normal space time continuum rules that the rest of adhere to.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

This is my Family. In the background is where the Fierce Jackalope is kept. He has a very large pin and hunts wildebeests and zebras that are at the Zoo. He is even more dangerous than the next animal.

This tiger was just laying around when I took this picture, but after I put the camera away the tiger let loose in the cage. He started hula dancing. If you've never seen a tiger dance or hula dance for that matter you are missing something special. It opens it's mouth like a yawn, but more menacing. The teeth are bared and you can see why it is a terror to other animals. That doesn't really come across in this picture, but believe you me, it's something.

The Below animal isn't that dangerous looking, but that is the trick.

You don't see the other twenty hooded ninja Kats that will tear you apart. You know its go time when it wiggles its ears. That is it's kill sign to the twenty Ninja Kats. Yes, I spelled cats with the letter "K". I let you figure out what the "K" is for. Don't think to long, because it will be over soon. Look behind you! No, look behind you.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This is my son Ian and Daughter Madeline.
Madeline and Ian have grown alot since these pictures. They were on a trip to their grandparent's home in Nebraska.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I was wondering why companies are no longer customer oriented. If you don't pay attention the company will make money off your negligence. The Airline industry charges you money if your bags are over a certain size or wieght limit. The problem is that they don't tell what those limits are until you check you luggage. Yes, you could go onto their website and check to see what are the Airline companies' limits. Why should I have to do that?
Should I have to pay 95-100 for cable, internet, and phone. Why can't they charge 50 bucks for that whole thing. I work on computers, switches, routers, and voip. I know how it all works and what it takes to run a network. If it were cheaper then more people could afford it and then therefore the company would make more money. I know that there are infrastructure costs, but the company makes those up when the network segment is opened up to the potential customers. If more companies would open their product up to more people with a lower cost product then more people would buy the service. Oh, and stop paying CEOs millions of dollars. The Engineers and line workers are more important to the company.

What do you think?